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My attempt at the racing challenge(s)

4 Chuckie  9.2 years ago

Hey guys!

After the success of my Vixen video, I was hoping you'd like to check out my other attempt at making a plane capable of beating the first race challenge!

Feel free to comment on anything you think could be improved, be that on the video quality, or the design of the aircraft :)


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    Yeah the take off on that craft was a bit dodgy, I'll give a little bit of time to that build next time I have time off of work.
    Thanks for the input :)

    9.2 years ago
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    26.3k Skua

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    It's tough to tell from just the video, but changing the profile of your rear stabilisers to semi-symmetric will probably help with that pitching-up problem. I didn't see you check the CoM/CoL at any point, but I might have just missed that or something. It seems that you got it more or less right anyway, but it's worth learning how to make use of them for when you build more planes. Also, don't be afraid of fuselage sections! They'll make it much easier once you get to know them.

    As for the video itself, I liked the way that you showed the construction stage, it meant we could still see what was going on but didn't bore everyone by taking up the whole video. Pretty good piloting too, once you got airborne.

    9.2 years ago