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why dont my missles go for the target at first? they just fly around almost randomly

16 ActullyObama  2.5 years ago

im making a ground to air missle system and it uses cleavers that have has there xml changed. the system starts by using a pylon to shoot the missle straight up out of the tube, this all works well but once the missle is out of the tube and it ignites it doesn't go strait for the target like i want it to it usually goes in some random direction for about 10 seconds and while doing this it also randomly makes turns. the problem with all this is sometimes the missle just hits the ground and never ends up hitting the target. also it just doesn't look as good.

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    1,653 NothingMuch

    @ActullyObama well then I wouldn’t know how to fix it other than the fact cleavers are bad air to air missiles

    2.5 years ago
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    @NothingMuch it was just the base cleaver, no custom missle parts

    2.5 years ago
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    @time78 il try that

    2.5 years ago
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    @beenz u can set the missles to multirole

    2.5 years ago
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    17.1k beenz

    ground to air.
    hmm, did you even lock onto the target?

    2.5 years ago
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    1,653 NothingMuch

    It could be problem with things like the missiles (the fuselage pieces for custom missiles) shell not having weight and drag set to 0 or wings still having properties or missiles not having drag (also custom missiles problem) or weight as these functions are crucial to make the missile fly properly.

    2.5 years ago
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    45 time78

    in which ways were the missiles modded, did you change its Mass or Drag Scale?
    Given your description I think those XML properties are the culprits

    2.5 years ago
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    i have a very similar problem, i tried making a custom missile after not doing one for a while and it also starts randomly spinning and going in spirals, though the difference is that mine is an air-to air, but still, our issue is virtually identical

    +2 2.5 years ago