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Swash plate idea

8,359 Airheaddivision  2.5 years ago

I’ve been working on creating a swash plate for my helicopter, no not the heli rotor, I’m making one from scratch, well, I already have the rotor made but I’m struggling on making the rotor tilt forward without it wobbling the aircraft back and forth.

The reason why I want to create a working swash plate is to increase the speed of the helicopter while flying. I don’t want to tilt the rotor with the “transform part” settings and adjust the angle that way. When landing I want the rotor to stay level instead of it being tilted.

If anyone made a swash plate with a similar feature I’d love to see it and learn from it.

Either way, is this even possible on Simpleplanes? I’ve seen some very crazy things and I want to say it might be possible but at the same time I have a little doubt.