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Airplane revamping

8,910 GrandmasterPotato  2.5 years ago

In case you haven’t noticed, I have been redoing some of my older planes with the knowlage I have gained since their release(Fuselage wings, higher flight performance, ext).
I have been quite happy with their results, and I am going to do it with many more of my planes.
I feel the best way to start this off is with my first good plane. My F4U Corsair.
Teaser image:

New and improved F4U Corsair, out now
Next I decided to to the dh4 liberty, just because it is the only WWI plane I made, so I feel it deserved it

Dh4 liberty, out now
Yeah, I promised a p-40, but I kind of lost, focus, but it should be ready soon

Out now