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More suggestions

9,636 TheOfficalMarylander  2.5 years ago

I love the game, but it could have this in the next update:

Spreadable Fire

The fire mechanism is a bit boring, and it would be so cool to see fire spread from part to part, which leads me to my next suggestion...

Visible Fuel Leaks

The fuel meter just going down during a fuel leak seems a bit boring, seeing it actually come from a part would look nice and a bit realistic, maybe even seeing fire spread to the leak, and blowing the part up.

Flooding mechanics

As a person who like planes and boats alike, making a a port-hole like part to let water flood in, or hole in a build flood the ship/plane (because planes in water don't stay afloat for long) would be cool.

Passenger seats

I know we have seats already, but on planes I've been on, there has been screens, tray tables, etc, it would be nice if those were added.

Make it possible for rotators to go 360 degrees infinitely

Yes, I know(2)you can use in-game mods and stuff, but it would be more convenient to just use a slider to make it go infinite.

Add a UI type-thing to add passengers/Captains/Co-pilots/Crew to seats.

I don't really have the time to make fuselage people, so why not just implement them into the game? How much Captains, where to put them, same for copilots, passengers, etc.

Add a world builder.

I know(3)we have mods for this, but i would love to make it possible to make worlds in-game, like type of terrain, defense, ships, roads, water, trees, and most importantly, airports.

Visible water

Yes, I know(4) we have mods for this, but they take up space, so a feature to make water visible or not would be nice, which brings me up to my next suggestion...


Yes, I know(5) there is mods for that, but ballast blocks, a slider for ballast, and how much water it can take in would be convenient.

An UI for failures

Yes, I know(6) we have guns, and weapons for that, but a UI where you can select which part you want to fail, and what kind of failures you want (Jam, Compression, Fail, Fire, Leak, Destroy, etc), would make a passenger flight, or crash look real.

Realistic Start-up of Pistons, Rotators, Car Engines, Propellers, Heli Rotors and Jet Engines

You know how engines, Rotators, and Pistons take time to start-up, and usually make those startup sounds? Well, a setting to make a realistic start-up sound for those parts would be very nice.

Fix a Undo glitch

This is more of a problem, sometimes when I'm undoing, the build copies itself, and its a big problem, I believed it happened while I was making my first fuselage cut plane, and I forgot to save.

And finally...

More activation groups

The Activation Groups only go up to 8, but putting in 10 more or so, would be very convenient.

And these are suggestions I would love to see in the near future of SimplePlanes!

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    11.7k JesusChrist

    @TheAviationBoy Yeah I don't know much about boats.

    2.5 years ago
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    @IICXLVIICDLXXXIIIDCXLVII I put the definition of ballast, its basically a device that pumps or water into or out of a ship, sub, or air balloon to help with lists and stuff

    2.5 years ago
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    11.7k JesusChrist

    @TheAviationBoy There's a mod that adds an underwater view, but even that isn't transparent so I don't think it's possible. No idea what this ballast thing does but maybe it's possible to add.

    2.5 years ago
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    @IICXLVIICDLXXXIIIDCXLVII From wiki:Ballast is material that is used to provide stability to a vehicle or structure. Ballast, other than cargo, may be placed in a vehicle, often a ship or the gondola of a balloon or airship, to provide stability. A compartment within a boat, ship, submarine, or other floating structure that holds water is called a ballast tank. Water should move in and out from the ballast tank to balance the ship. In a vessel that travels on the water, the ballast will remain below the water level, to counteract the effects of weight above the water level.[1] The ballast may be redistributed in the vessel or disposed of altogether to change its effects on the movement of the vessel.

    What I meant by visible water was like transparent water, being able to see the hull of the USS Beast.

    2.5 years ago
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    11.7k JesusChrist

    Spreadable Fire

    Too resource intensive and probably really hard to code, not worth it.

    Visible Fuel Leaks

    Same as above.

    Flooding mechanics

    Again, same as above.

    Passenger seats

    Eh, the default seats are good enough, you can build the extra details.

    Make it possible for rotators to go 360 degrees infinitely

    I guess? It's not all that hard to do currently.

    Add a UI type-thing to add passengers/Captains/Co-pilots/Crew to seats.

    If you mean like having a toggleable pilot model sitting on the cockpit, yeah that would be cool.

    Add a world builder.

    Well the mod tools can kind of already do that, so I don't know.

    Visible water

    Please elaborate.


    No idea what that is.

    An UI for failures

    You could already do that with FT I'm pretty sure.

    Realistic Start-up of Pistons, Rotators, Car Engines, Propellers, Heli Rotors and Jet Engines

    Same as above.

    More activation groups


    Most of your suggestions are not all that great to be honest, I feel like Jundroo should give more priority to older problems first, like finally fixing the undo button and updating the tutorial.

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    Spreadable fire and visible fuel leaking would be interesting. A map designer would also be incredibly useful.

    2.5 years ago
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    2.5 years ago
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    Engine startup can be easily added using simple XML expressions. As for sound, you can use a variety of engines with XML expression delays and sequences to get a realistic startup sound.

    2.5 years ago
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    11.7k JesusChrist

    @TheAviationBoy Remember to use the reply button or else I won't be notified of your reply.

    2.5 years ago
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    I tried to number them, but... it failed :(

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    11.7k JesusChrist

    Why is every number 1

    2.5 years ago