I’ve been retired from Simple Planes for officially 3 years now and I’ve been apart of the community for 5.3 years, of course I’m not well known in the community but I’m sure you’ve seen some of my stuff like the A-10 SEAHOG and the PA-48. The community has gotten has gotten so much bigger since the last time I’ve seen it and so many wonderful changes. Ive been missing the community and all the creativity that the community and Simple Planes used to give me, so I think I would like to come out of retirement😂
(PSA if you’ve read this far can someone tell me how to add pictures to descriptions, the game has changed the old ways how I used to do it so if someone could show me how to type in the link that’d be great)
Thank you for reading!
@danman12 understandable have a nice day
@WiniMii honestly I’m not too sure about that, I can see what I can do to make it more mobile friendly!! But there’s a lot of moving parts to it so I can’t make any promises
If you are coming outta retirement,
Is an FA-10 Seahog mobile version gone be existing?
Also welcome back mate
@MrShenanigansSP I appreciate it man!!
@KudaOni yes it been a minute😂 it’s good to be back!
@Strucker thank you!!!
@IceCraftGaming I appreciate it so much! And yeah I can see why all the veterans are coming back, the community is amazing!
Oh wow! Last online 3 years ago... and now you're back! Welcome!!
Welcome back
Glad your back, also images for descriptions are  I suggest using discord for the image link since that works the best in my opinion
pictures can be added like this: 
and dang, lots of veterans are coming back from the dead