Yess I'm continuing this series ok. Less start. ###when the droods know simple things like making a fire and etc. They now hunt for animals. Fat forwarding to 1600 a drood named Galileo Droofault found some planet with rings. He called it "Urados" urados was a blue planet with rings and it had allt of astroids what seems to be captured by its gravity. An astronomer named "Christiaan droo" found the moon of urados "Taurus" it had methane oceans with a sandy ground and an orange atmosphere. Another planet had similar stuff to Taurus called "nebra" nebra had small islands and some of them have volcanoes. We will talk about more astronomers if part 4. Byeeeee!
@ColonelCanada f a x
Furthermore, this isn't reddit or Tiktok. They don't need to post every hour.
Or about themselves.
Im also incredibly surprised that they haven't been banned for underage yet...
y not on SR2 tho?
Like.. its relevant here but why?
@ColonelCanada fax
This would be infinitely better on the SR2 site
The spelling mistakes aren't because you type fast, its because you are 9.