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[TEASER] "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena: Declassified"

252 UnicraftAviation  2.5 years ago

Excerpt from UFOMagazine

Declassified HUD image from an U.S. Navy F/A-18 showing unidentified aerial phenomena

A particularly perplexed Navy fighter pilot gave a statement for us.

"It was so fast, my wingman didn't even see it. Had to be going about Mach 4? Zoomed in front of me and then my RWR started shitting itself. I chased it around, but I couldn't keep up, locked on to him to let him know I could see him, but he clearly had a superior turning radius, and got out of it quickly. I thought it was a Nighthawk at first, until I saw its shape, how fast it was going and how agile it was!"