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Su-27SKM Flanker-B, is in need of your help!

58.6k ZeroWithSlashedO  2.3 years ago

Hello. I am Zerø, and I'm going to need a help for this one.

I'm going to cut it straight, I'm going to need a test pilot. Or maybe two.

There is alot of factor that made me delay this incredibly ambitious project. And all I want is a test pilot.

I simply cannot handle the fact that this project is taking me forever to do. It's insane.

I want an incredibly simple job for an ambitious project, I want a test pilot to fly my creation, and give feedback on what I can do to improve it.

So maybe, if you want to test this thing, comment down below. I'll provide the link to the aircraft when one or more SP users have signed up in 24 hours.

Now, I know some questions might appear in your head, so... I'm going to answer about What, How, and Why.

What is this project?

The Flanker Project is an incredibly ambitious project that involves around recreating the Su-27SKM and it's successors. This idea came to my mind after I wondered "What should I make next?".

How much is the Part Count and Performance Cost?

About 550 parts, and 2000 PC. On paper, this would be a manageable number for me. On practice though, nope. It is not.

Why are you asking for a test pilot?

Well, for one, I can't really run it smoothly as before. Two, I am quite busy, as I have school to focus also. Which is kinda why I haven't been quite active on this site. Three, this is a very ambitious project, as I've stated multiple times already. I wanted the flight model to be as great as I can make it, and be as friendly to anyone as it can be. So, I'll be needing feedbacks from test pilots for me to kind of give me a motivation boost for this project.

Link is now available.

So, uh. Yeah, that's all. I don't really have anything to say anymore, so, I guess I'll see you next time. Fly safe.

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  • Profile image
    4,290 Lake

    Can I test it, you may not get any response from me for a while because I’m busy.

    2.3 years ago
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    @JesusChrist @ColonelCanada
    Link is now up.

    2.3 years ago
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    @DashEight @Oyasumi @404
    Link is ready.

    2.3 years ago
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    I can test it, and give feedback.

    2.3 years ago
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    Well, not neccessarily both. I want it to have like, a somewhat semi-realistic flight model. Y'know what I mean? It's realistic, but not too realistic.

    2.3 years ago
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    57 SASRGuy

    Guys can you download my artillery pls

    2.3 years ago
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    57 SASRGuy

    So the plane looks real good mate

    2.3 years ago
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    44.5k rexzion

    so you want a test pilot to fly your flanker.
    im not exactly sure what you're looking for; "fanker do psm cobra!!!!" or realistic flight?
    if you want an accurate flight model and feel you should ask someone who has more knowledge on the flanker's aerodynamics than the average sp user

    +4 2.3 years ago
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    11.7k JesusChrist

    Sure, I don't have VR though so I can only fly it in the normal game.

    2.3 years ago
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    I’m interested into flying it

    2.3 years ago
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    3,225 Oyasumi


    2.3 years ago
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    14.2k d45h

    I can test fly it for you when I get out of school today.

    2.3 years ago