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How to open & close gear door by pressing the gear button once.

1,002 maverick01  2.2 years ago

After almost a year I’m finally going to deliver my promise on fixing my Piper Aerostar. I’m adding custom gear, so I’ve had to remake a large portion of the fuselage, I’ve spent many hours on that but I’m finally finished. I made the gear itself fold in just by pressing gear, but the problem is the gear doors. I want to press gear, gear door comes open, gear folds in, and gear door closes. Help is needed lol.

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    39.7k Olimpus

    ceil(smooth(clamp01(LandingGear) , 0.5))

    floor(smooth(clamp01(LandingGear) , 0.5))

    +2 2.2 years ago
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    1,002 maverick01

    @HuskyDynamics01 thank you it worked

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    Check out the doors on my B-25 if you want. Sounds like they do about what you're looking for.

    +2 2.2 years ago