Wouldn’t it be cool if Jesus had 9999 points?
@Spacepickle3214 He can't tell the difference between a single point and a whole silver rank anymore lol
@JesusChrist BogdanX be like: Ha mortal humans talking about a mere 10K points
@JesusChrist yeah, I think just getting you to close to 10K did that
@JesusChrist Welcome to the club.
10.0k I shall never know my exact point score ever again.
Whoops accidentally blew it and gave him 1 too many points 😭😭😭😭😭 Edit: fixed it, @JesusChrist has 9999 points
I’m working on it nobody upvote him
@Spacepickle3214 He can't tell the difference between a single point and a whole silver rank anymore lol
@JesusChrist BogdanX be like: Ha mortal humans talking about a mere 10K points
@JesusChrist yeah, I think just getting you to close to 10K did that
@JesusChrist Welcome to the club.
I shall never know my exact point score ever again.
Whoops accidentally blew it and gave him 1 too many points 😭😭😭😭😭
Edit: fixed it, @JesusChrist has 9999 points
I’m working on it nobody upvote him