There's this weird account that commented on some posts over 7 years ago stating: "This rating has been grandfathered in from the old rating system."
I know before upvotes there was a 5-star rating system, but what is that account for? Is it a bot the devs made? If that's the case why does it have so few comments?
Edit: Nevermind the account has 60 pages of comments actually, so it probably is a bot.
Like your new name,
Its weird and interesting at the same time, since the posts it commented on were posted shortly before upvotes were introduced
@JesusChrist that’s bizzare
@JacksEpicGamingYT @Spacepickle3214 It's this account: @SimplePlanesGrandFather
Check its comments page, every comment is the same phrase repeated.
anfrew garisons dad
Can I see a screenshot?
@JesusChrist it’s a bot that used to transfer the ratings into upvotes when they changed it
probably a decommissioned bot