I would like to propose a new concept: a group of people that will choose an underrated build or builder, then go upvote that post or posts. It would be a community type thing with rules for nomination and stuff like that. Give me your thoughts and let me know if you would be willing to join. Participants will be put in the forum and are expected to turn on notifications for this post so I can announce who/what we will be upvoting.
@Hypn0 SP Weekly had build highlights, but it was not a collective that agreed to just upvote builds which were highlighted. Do not do this.
If you want to occasionally highlight builds, you may, however, any agreement to collectively upvote is an abuse of the voting system; People should upvote depending on their own opinion of the build, not a group pact.
The spotlight system was created for this, I recommend ya'll use it for builds you consider underrated whenever you can.
@HellFireKoder Good input hellfire. thank you! I do agree that spotlighting needs to be more normal.
@HellFireKoder ok, thanks for commenting
@Defalt1 no guarantees
So German corsair 2.0?
@Hypn0 that newspaper is exactly what I’m thinking.
@SheriffHackdogMCPE you’re in
@OrdinaryTankBuilder I’m with you, it would be very easy for this to be abused. To prevent this, I would dig through the nominator’s bio to make sure there’s no connection.
@OrdinaryTankBuilder ah ok
can you put me in
It sounds like a good idea, but what if users abuse it?
@JesusChrist oh
@JesusChrist interesting...
Nope doesn't work.
@IceCraftGaming On mine as well, but I got a notification when you first said "true" and then another for the comment with "edit" written on it. Maybe you get notified for edits now?
@JesusChrist there's only one on my side
@JesusChrist wdym?
@IceCraftGaming Why did you comment twice?
@JesusChrist true
edit: this is why we need thread replies
@IceCraftGaming Wrong post? Edit: Oh you mean the mirage, it looks way better than anything I could make in 5 years, but the flight model is kind of weird imo with how the plane never seems to slow down when turning.
Still an amazing first post though.
@JesusChrist now that's freaking impressive
and I'm sad now
but he deserved it for sure
@JesusChrist Found it, made by an old buddy of mine, Here
@JesusChrist I can definitely dig it up. I can't remember who made it but it was one of the big ones.
I feel like back in the day all it took to get featured was 200 downloads or whatnot. nowadays hard work goes down the drain nearly EX
@Hypn0 Do you have a link to the "newspaper" you're mentioning?