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After only two week of simpleplanes.....

48.9k Baldovino  9.1 years ago

I decided to try my builder skill ECC-3

ECC = Enahced Control Concept
In other words: Easy to fly, really hard to master!

1 activate/deactivate pitch from elevons. Keep it deactivated for take off
2 activate/deactivate pitch from the four thrust vectoring nozels

6 activate main engine
7 activate VTOL/vectoring engine (it work also for aggiuntive thrust if all 8 nozels are backward)
8 activate/deactivate afterburners

B Brakes (You can't see brakes when closed, but... they are present t!)

You can use VTOL @ 45 degrees for a really short take off, or use them manually for extreme manouver or landing.

This bird is really thirsty of fuel, so there are an HUGE quantity of fuel onboard. Anyway, if you use all engines thogeter, it'll be burned more fast than you think.

@ 1200 feet: main engine only: 750 knots
Main + thrust: 890 knots
Main + afterburners: 1055 knots
All togeter: 1150 knots

OK, I know. I am presumptuous. But I wanted to test a challenging project, bringing together different concepts in these two weeks I applied to different projects, one at a time.

This plane took me a bit 'of everything. Control surfaces in unusual positions, use of the rotors, areas which are fully mobile, SLATS, VTOL, afterburners ... everything.

I tried to bring together in a captivating design (hope I succeeded) all in a plane forced to make way for bulky everything. Yet despite the clutter, he performs critical maneuvers, and with a little 'of mastery also successfully.

Tell me what you think, friends, I would like your opinion.

Thank you! : D

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    48.9k Baldovino

    LOL! :D

    Really 'll be for Enhanced Control Concept (vectoring, elevon, slat and all those dirty things) but... incredible, maybe you are right! :D

    9.1 years ago
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    19.8k RocketLL

    ECC, as in Error Correcting Code?

    9.1 years ago
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    9,187 LT556

    Thanks for your concern.@Baldovino

    9.1 years ago
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    48.9k Baldovino

    @Sirstupid I hope that you live on the ground floor

    9.1 years ago
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    9,187 LT556

    Wow... I may as well jump out the window.

    9.1 years ago