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Projects Sitrep 10/02/2022

96.9k ReinMcDeer  2.4 years ago

University hasn't been forgiving this semester, so I haven't been able to work that much on the current projects.

F-22A Raptor V2.0

Since the beta release, I've made some changes to the model, mainly on the nose and the bottom rear fuselage.

The bottom of the nose is more rounded.

And so is the top of the nose as it blends into the main body.

The bottom starts rounding off earlier, where the gear door is, rather than after it.

Obviously, the doors for the AIM-9X's are not done yet.

I've also weaponized the F-22A while I was at it and added AMRAAM's and AIM-9X's.

I also fixed the bug where the gun lead marker wouldn't appear if the gun wasn't firing by making the hidden gun in the back have the same muzzle velocity. (Although, it shoots invisible, non-damaging bullets, if at all, since it is disabled when you fire.)

I've also been playing around with differential thrust and it's working pretty well. Now, it can do yawing post stall maneuvers better, such as the J-turn, pedal-turn, and falling leaf maneuver.

Right now, it sits at 491 parts.

New G-Limiter

While working on the Raptor's flight controls, I decided that the old predetermined curve system I had for limiting G was not cutting it, so I made a new G-limiter. Here it is set up for +9/-3.5 G's:

Variable: Elevator
((smooth(Pitch,1)+(.5*VTOL))*(smooth(Pitch,1)<0 ? GLimUpper : GLimLower))
Variable: GLimUpper
Variable: GLimLower
The weird < is a less than symbol, which the website still doesn't support for some odd reason.

It's in a pretty jank early state and you need to readjust the parabola functions if you change the G limits, but it seems to work. The old system also let you cheat the system by using trim, so... yeah.

I would update the older aircraft with this system, but I've also been playing around with wing flex and some other stuff, so I think after the Raptor, I'm going to a new standard, meaning everything before is outdated now, again. But I'll try to rerelease them down the line.

Bf-109 G-2 Gustav (Tropical

I haven't made any significant changes to this since I've been preoccupied with the Raptor, but I want to say it is almost done.

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    29.8k xNotDumb

    @Jamessbourne Great! I love it! And thanks for sharing the link to the site. Are you gamer or getting trolled & rickrolled by other people? Dont worry i found a website for you, it will help you in not getting trolled or rickrolled by other people, you can also find ways to troll other people too. Its been helpful since the time i started using it, i hope this is help ful for you.

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    Great! I love it. And thanks for sharing the pictures. Are you a college student and you got a essay writing assignment from the college and you don't know how to write an essay don't worry i found a website in which i can see many ideas to write an essay and you can complete your essay writing assignment on the time.

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    3,637 Krikkit42

    @MrSilverWolf Sorry. Won’t happen again.

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    @Sabertoothyt526 @Krikkit42 all right both of you stop, if you guys wanna argue go take that to discord but keep it off the site

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    @Krikkit42 based

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    96.9k ReinMcDeer

    @zou27877 Sort of? Since I do roll and yaw stabilization too, I call it ElevStab now. (And of course, there's RollStab and YawStab)

    +2 2.4 years ago
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    613 zou27877

    @ReinMcDeer I did it! Cheers! By the way, what should i do to the old variable FlyByWire, is it still in use?

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    96.9k ReinMcDeer

    @zou27877 GLimUpper and GLimLower are a part of the Elevator code.
    Make sure you replace the < with a less than sign

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    613 zou27877

    @ReinMcDeer I tried to follow these instructions, but somehow it didn't work, maybe i did it in a wrong way...

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    613 zou27877

    @ReinMcDeer Then where's the variable GLimUpper and GLimLower linked to? Is it Variable Elevator, or some kinda control surfaces?

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    96.9k ReinMcDeer

    @zou27877 Add 3 variables, Elevator, GLimUpper, and GLimLower. Then copy and paste the ones above into the respective variables. The parabola curves .25*clamp(.01*pow(GForce,2)-.2,.1,5) at the end are arbitrary and I recommend you use Desmos to tune your own (I'm working on a tool for this). Make sure your control surface/rotator has Elevator as its input, preferably clamped.

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    50.6k ShinyGemsBro

    You know why I'm here.


    +1 2.4 years ago
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    T for Both planes cus i love you (no homo)

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    5,555 ImAcarperson


    +1 2.4 years ago
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    613 zou27877

    hey RD. I've decided to update all ur old aircraft using ur newly released three flight control variables. So could u tell me how to use these three. thanks mate

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    373 AC13OJ

    T for the F-22

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    15.9k Vidal99977


    +1 2.4 years ago
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    31.5k sKyCoS


    +1 2.4 years ago
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    both aircraft are pretty neat

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    33.0k SyntheticL

    T for the 109

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    930 Gerbera

    T for the 109

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    50.7k BeastHunter


    +1 2.4 years ago
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    26.7k Bryan5

    T for all

    2.4 years ago