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SimplePlanes: Mildly Infuriating

3,355 JustWingIt  2.4 years ago

1: When you hear a part hit the ground as you spawn in. Your plane has 3000 tiny parts.
2: Attachments
4: Mobile lag
5: When parts are angled at 125.35686532123478876467 degrees
6: Fine tuner scaler math
7: When you realize that a majority of your plane is offcenter by .000127
8: Auto roll/yaw/pitch (unintentional autopilot)
9: Ad bots
10: Funky trees
5: Low-effort forum posts that someone made in less than 5 minutes
23: Irony
2: Numbers

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    4,847 OpenHere

    A lot of those can be dealt with

    Pinned 2.4 years ago
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    1. Wing shaking as heck after passing Mach-1
    2. Custom landing gear problems
    3. Part connections problems
    4. When you spawn in a tanker and it's body is split into pieces
    5. When your OP plane can't even dogfight the kicking fish
    6. When the AI controls the gun in dogfight mode:
    7. Trying to avoid the missiles in icebase
    8. "FYI: Your plane's engine aren't getting enough air" (Even if it's working fine)
    9. Landing gear door XML codes when you don't know how
    10. Lagging intensely just because of Shadows
    11. Plane bouncing after landing
    12. Plane backflipping for no reason
    13. When you can't finish the crosswind landing challenge because your plane won't stop
    14. Your plane literally exploding because of one damage on the fuselage
    15. My confidence and determination when I'm making a VR capable plane:
    16. Random plane trying to hit you
    17. Being involved in the explosion of your own bomb
    18. "Multiplayer mod for mobile pls"
    19. That moment when you got more upvotes than downloads
    20. Performance cost
    21. Confidence when you saw a better plane than yours:
    22. How do you put image descriptions again?
    24. Challenges when you upvote them but you don't even participate
    25. Vertigo - Basically the harrier
    26. When the og creator doesn't get the right credit for their plane
    27. German Corsair
    28. When you realize most highest rated stuffs are basically FT codes
    29. That one user complaining why everyone kept saying T on the forums
    30. When you made a good plane but it had a bad thumbnail
    31. That one dude who made an whole essay just for their plane's lore
    32. When your favourite SP content creator goes dormant
    33. Simplplanes update when?
    34. Shader mod
    35. Mobile users when they saw a 11,000+ parts creation
    36. Simplerockets having more awesome graphics than simpleplanes
    37. When you introduce the game to your friends but they aren't interested
    38. You entire cockpit work when you mirrored one side of the plane to the other
    39. Walv!s when he said that he's jokes are not acceptable on his YouTube tutorials
    40. That one dude who acts like he was a noob but in reality it's a experienced player's alt account
    41. Smh, imagine farming points with a stock craft - literally every user on the pigpen's comments
    42. Wth is CoL, CoM and CoT?
    43. The amount of Chinese players in Simpleplanes
    44. When you can't find a upvote from a player you didn't upvote their builds
    45. When you realised 90 percent of jundroo's builds and devs builds were just re-uploaded version of users builds
    46. Platinum users when they don't achieve 100+ upvoted per plane

    Simplplanes is a fun game as always :)

    Pinned 2.4 years ago
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    @JustWingIt You forgot one

    When you use blue prints and then accidentally move the camera by a 0.0001 inch then the blue print is gone and now you have to restart the camera again

    Pinned 2.4 years ago
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    1. Find unattached parts and fix the attachments
    2. Attachments*
    3. Undo button has always been like that, just don't use it if it frustrates you
    4. Its mobile, what do you expect? Mobile is less powerful than PC (just get a PC if your frustrated bruh)
    5. Not everythings perfect just type it in manually
    6. ?
    7. Thats not much of a problem just recenter it by typing 0.000
    8. Your center of mass / center of lift is offset, if not then its drag issues
    9. Ignore them
    10. Not everyone makes low effort forums that were made in like 5 minutes
    11. ?
    12. ?? Theres numbers so?
    Pinned 2.4 years ago
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    3,355 JustWingIt

    I love simpleplanes

    Pinned 2.4 years ago
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    3,355 JustWingIt

    It’s a list of grievances. @ReturnOfJeffChandler

    2.4 years ago
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    4,847 OpenHere

    @JustWingIt it was funny the first time, but not 8th time

    2.4 years ago
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    3,355 JustWingIt

    Your sense of humor must be dealt with @ReturnOfJeffChandler

    2.4 years ago
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    Also the pain when you try to make a fighter jet only to become a water bottle after the final touches

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    You forgot:
    OmG nO mOdS iN mObILe!!!!1!1!1! angery!1!!1!1!11!!

    +3 2.4 years ago
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    @BuyOxicleanDetergent hi I'm the guy of number 29 haha I'm famous

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    4,252 Chickendude

    3 : If it cause trouble, dont touch it

    -some random idiots

    +2 2.4 years ago
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    I want to stop breathing for ten seconds

    +2 2.4 years ago
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    3,355 JustWingIt

    @MrShenanigansSP :)

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    @JustWingIt ok, no problem

    +2 2.4 years ago
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    3,355 JustWingIt

    @MrShenanigansSP Also thanks for the spelling fix. Honestly, I appreciate when people do that. I made this in 5 mins so I didn't pay attention. I sound so sarcastic saying this but I'm honestly not

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    3,355 JustWingIt

    @MrShenanigansSP ok

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    @JustWingIt ok?

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    3,355 JustWingIt

    @MrShenanigansSP It's the sound of a joke going over your head

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    3,355 JustWingIt

    @MrShenanigansSP whoosh

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    @JustWingIt ?

    +2 2.4 years ago
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    3,355 JustWingIt

    @MrShenanigansSP r/whoosh

    +2 2.4 years ago
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    14.2k Aviator01

    The last 3 are hilarious.

    +3 2.4 years ago
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    18.0k FlirBlitz


    +2 2.4 years ago