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772 Theflyingcone  2.3 years ago

Sorry for spam uploading but I had to share this with the community. I saw a video off someone who made a glitch and when he spawned a SSTV signal started playing then he translated the sounds to a picture and the picture was some boom 50 or 25 falling on kraken and kraken exists in simple planes. Put your tinfoil hats on because this might sound crazy but I think this also has to do something with the flying alien pyramid att Maywar because sstv signals is sent from satellites from space like aliens and because it also has to do with kraken it probably means that the kraken is a form off alien species and the aliens att Maywar is another species trying to warn us from the kraken species

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    @Spacepickle3214 Go to the description in the video there you should find a link that link shows a picture off the bombs falling on kraken

    2.3 years ago
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    @Theflyingcone yes plz

    2.3 years ago
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    I know I can send you the link for the video

    2.3 years ago
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    What? That's crazy

    2.3 years ago