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Idea for the website. It will stop copying planes!

1,634 Hazo  9.2 years ago

When users sign up for the SP website they are thrown in with no idea what's going on. They would be helped along if as soon as they signed in for the first time they would be brought to the rules screen. They would know what's right and what isn't. Please tell me in the comments what you think of my idea!

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    1,634 Hazo

    @MediocrePlanes I forgot to add that the rules screen would only be automaticly shown when players sign up. I'll edit the forum.

    9.2 years ago
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    @MrSilverWolf Maybe this idea, but only for users under a certain point level

    9.2 years ago
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    7,404 Mrwhiskers85

    you could make like a Star Wars intro, with all the website rules, you know

    9.2 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    Well younger users will be younger users am I right?

    9.2 years ago
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    1,634 Hazo

    @MrSilverWolf @UnstableOrbit @KingDeadshot I thought about it to, but surely some would, if there was a big title in bold red lettering saying "RULES-MUST READ" they would probably take a second glance. Even if it didn't help it wouldn't hurt to implement it anyway

    9.2 years ago
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    @KingDeadshot this isn't one of those situations. People flick through rules and through EULAs all the time; no amount of compromising is going to fix the problem, which in this case isnt the rules, its the people who don't CARE enough to read them.

    9.2 years ago
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    8,632 BeryllCorp

    @MrSilverWolf that would spam the notifications of the creators of stock planes and very popular designs.

    9.2 years ago
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    I was also thinking that when they posted a copy it instead of putting it on the "newest tab" it would put it in folder like that already there but only you can see it and it would have to choices on that plane that said "Yes I aprove this plane" or "No I do not aprove this plane" and if you clicked yes it would put the copied plane on the "newest tab" and if you clicked no it would not put the plane up. Just a thought.

    9.2 years ago
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    I was thinking the same thing @MediocrePlanes

    9.2 years ago
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    No it wouldn't.

    9.2 years ago
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    The younger users won't read it and will just click away

    9.2 years ago