Can someone explain or send me a link to how to make an AI plane/helicopter? I am digging into it, but I did not see much. Are there official standards to make them? So far, I saw this forum, But if you have a better reference, please let me know.
@MAPA said, "the Aircraft cannot have more than 6 wings and 96 parts and must be very maneuverable and fast. these are the basic requirements" - Thanks
@WinsWings thanks, that's good to hear :)
@MAPA I see, thanks. I will post new AI planes in the future. You inspired me for this
@WinsWings yes it is highly maneuverable and fast and has only 56 parts, it perfectly meets all A.I requirements
@MAPA I think I miss your question that I saw somewhere. I haven't built any AI plane yet. I will do it soon. Because I love simple building planes with lower part counts. One of my previous builds could be an AI plane: I noticed that Sparrow Hawk came out so many time as AI plane on my iPad automatically. It is an aggressive little fighter.