Decide your next moves in the comments or try to predict Snowstone's!
Everyone Please check the 1st November announcement in the challenges description
Have Fun!
Wright Alliance with Krakabloan : Discussion Channel
35.8k Aarav
2.2 years ago
Is anyone working on any more builds? If not I'll end the challenge.
@Aarav I made a new three-barreled machine gun for us.
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@geometry dash liteThe kfq-1 can always be turned into a kamikaze drone.
@bitlife Prepare yourself, I'm building a new supersonic fighter.
UAD player here, in my experience the best way to deal with brawler battleships(the snowstone H-0) is to keep a distance, brawlers are meant to get close to enemy, and often sacrifice deck armor for belt armor, so either fire at it with plunging fire/Dive-bombers or, send as many torpedoes at it as possible, in UAD you use PT boats, though torpedo bombers would be more feasible.
let them be
they'll submit sooner or later
@ZeroWithSlashedO yeah but snowstone builds were not being submitted
@LeeTx i also meant that small player made carrier
@Aarav better show then
I thought 30 was max?
@ZeroWithSlashedO I guess it's late now. Until you want to do it for Snowstone who still have space for the war.
I have too much ground assets planned in mind
but I'll pick out 3:
Infantry Fighting Vehicle
High Mobility Artillery Rocket System type of vehicle
and a High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle type
@Numbers2 seen
here @Aarav
I've almost got a build ready @Aarav
@Aarav well, I still have one last thing to do.
@Aarav I can make more planes if you want (just ask me)!
@ZeroWithSlashedO yep . I got its idea the first time I saw it.
we can always convert the kfq-1 into a kamikaze drone.
@LeeTx their carrier is way stronger than the Aegis.
Can’t wait for an Aegis to sink one of their carriers, that new sub does worry me though
wdym lmfao
@ZeroWithSlashedO I expect a dm from u now brother