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Testimony 1

3,725 MrOofington  2.3 years ago

That man, never feared death even death is around him. He’s a real demon..

He wiped off a squadron of Frogfoots striking Pharaoh City that I was escorting, he never muttered a single transmission..

I saw his Eagle land while I was being processed as a POW, his wing is full of holes sustained from AA fire. His left wing, left elevator, his left yaw, and his flaps chipped off. He never complained about him feeling pain after taking a shot in his shoulder..

Now and then, I still think about Him and his Eagle..

I wonder what happened to him. Is he dead? I hope not. He might be Dodger's Match. He might be hero of the Maywarians during the attack..

Testimony of an Anonymous Darkcorp Fighter pilot, downed over Maywar during the Second TFM-Darkcorp Conflict
(Writer’s note(s): No pics yet, It’s a teaser with no pics. Just wait for the post)

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