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Question on Missile Xml

60 Grafff  2.3 years ago

hi so my problem I am assuming is pretty simple, for my current build I am trying to make missiles that need to maintain a lock all the way to target. the thing is I've been using infernos and I don't know if I can change them to function like that. Is there a way for me to make them behave more like an anti ground guardian missiles? or do I just need to start over and make an anti ground guardian missile?

just made new ones out of guardian missiles switching function to multi role. -solved

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    6,869 Diver

    This post has some things that might help. XML overload mod will be helpful/

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    6,869 Diver

    well... u could resize cleaver missiles, reduce explosionScale, and things like that

    +1 2.3 years ago