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More FT outputs and Variables idk

6,533 PattyMilk6  2.3 years ago

Before i start. I want to clarify that i am aware thr dev team is mostly focusing oh SR2 for the time being. That being said, to my knowledge as i havent been keeping up with SR2, SR2 has just had or will have a large update. Therefore i suggest everything below for the next update.

I might use XML and FunkyTrees as one term here but i think you will get the idea.

I will list off some things i would love to see ingame related to FT and XML

add more outputs
The big one that could really help cockpits and such, part Health as an output.
Example, Health output the Left engine, displayed into a label
Option one. Part ID health.

Option two, variables.
No image for this one. Its the same idea as RPM of a rotor, CurrentAngle of a Hinge rotator. This time just Health.

Will be either 1-100% or 1-?? depending on XML part edited health

Ai Aircraft
Lots to discuss here

First, have the targets “name” as an (input?)
{TargetName} could read, “Enemy” “Aircraft4” “Drone” and such
could be used for IFF,

Target IFF: {TargetName = “Bomber” | “Enemy” | “Aircraft32” ? “HOSTILE” : “FRIENDLY”}

Second, wether the target is hostile or not
{TargetHostile} would be a yes or no

Third, ability to track any missile, mostly AI fired missiles.
Especially cleavers, im sure shooting down missiles with missiles is possible irl.

Ability to track unselected aircraft
This dosent have to be perfect but would make RADAR possible. Im not sure how this would look as code, maybe just TargetUnselected

give the ai the ability to fire cannons, and drop bombs and rockets.
Give ai the ability to distinguish if your in the air or on the ground
If altitudeAGL is less then 10, identify as ground target. Make the ai do gun runs, bomb runs, rocket runs.(let them know theres groudn therd so they dont fly into ya or something


One HUGE thing i really want to see is the ability to edit inputs for almost everything. I mean; Cannons, Guns, Missiles, flare chaff, bombs, rockets, MORE

What if i want chaff and flares to go off when i press AG1

Theres so much that can be added to thr FunkyTrees system. As a person who uses a lot of FT in every build i would love to see these and many more added to the game.

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    6,568 11qazxc

    AI would then also use air to ground weapons

    That "AA-AG" system is not about air and ground, it's more about builds and game objects.

    2.3 years ago
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    6,533 PattyMilk6

    Part health, while can be useful for engines can be useful for anything.
    Im aware of using thrust and rpm variables for engines to make alternatives.
    Not everyone goes for realism, it could be fun to make more arcade like planes that show health of say, wings, tail, fuselage, more.

    For tracking unselected targets, you explain the problem yourself. Radar can only be updated while a target is selected. While being useful for more modern radar, i first wanted this when making a propeller plane. The specific aircraft made use of tail warning radar. using FT code, you could detect if said unselected target is behind you. Would be good for VR or if your targeting a different aircraft while maybe roleplaying?

    As for air and ground, im basically getting at the idea that i want the AI to act differently if your flying in a plane or driving a tank, or such. AI would then also use air to ground weapons aswell

    Ai this ai that
    Again im aware ai is rather on the lower spectrum of intelligence. These suggestions could easily go with a highly wanted and requested “smarter ai update”

    Finally, i saw you made a remark about i should know such related to radar, as a person that uses FT in every build.
    If i may clear that up, i use FT when i need it, learn it when i am unable to implement something.
    In builds, i use FT for a lot of aspects, though i have not made any radar as i havent made an aircraft that required me to use radar, though i expect i will soon so i will take a look into this.

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    6,568 11qazxc

    Part ID health

    It's not really health, but you can check if engine is alive using it's thrust output.

    Target name may be a good idea, but we don't have such thing irl.

    Ability to track unselected aircraft

    It will be overcomplicated. You know, FT doesn't even have arrays to store it properly.
    At the moment it's possible to get radar-like system that saves position and speed of target and updates it while target's selected, it's not a problem to store four or five targets, and maybe add some info from user's camera. You should know about it as "a person who uses a lot of FT in every build".

    ability to distinguish if target's in the air or on the ground

    That "AA-AG" system is not about air and ground, it's more about builds and game objects.

    AI this, AI that

    Just don't treat it as AI, it's autopilot+auto targeting. Even weapon selecting is not it's problem. Use FT.

    "aircraft is deemed not airworthy"

    AFAIK there's some differences in autopilot outputs and that's all.

    Will adding HE round to gun really worth it? IMHO guns are arcade-like and they're as simple as they must be, if you need something complex use cannons.

    +2 2.3 years ago
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    you forgor one basic thing that every other suggestors missed and ignore, but will be very very cool is
    the ability to distinguish an A-A target and an A-G target with your creations
    saw a message in the dev console that says "aircraft is deemed not airworthy" or smth, and that could just do it tbh
    also pls extend the range of the A-G detection range, it's really bad

    let's be honest, who doesn't want to try slamming their SLAM-ER into a goddamn yamato?

    Also, maybe, just maybe add a HE round to the gun? I know we have HE rounds on cannons, but sheesh, I want that on the gun too

    overall tho, good suggestion list :)

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    36.3k Icey21

    that health one would be very helpful

    +3 2.3 years ago
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    44.6k rexzion


    +4 2.3 years ago