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Re: Bot swarms on forums

38.5k LukaIsDevinFather  2.3 years ago

RE: Bot swarms on forums

So weeks ago I did had a hard time reporting or caliing the mods about those bots swarming on the forum advertising/promoting things of Indian (.in) website origin and got mock-struck for not utilising the report button.

As for my experience, they are still persistent using websites of Tribune India and Outlook India, promoting random products (eg. keto gummy bears...) and even one commented on my teaser post about my old aircraft built! (but was removed by a mod)

And yeah, once spotted on the forum, push the report button blitz.

I won't interfere on banner ads/promotional material when viewing the website logged out. They're innocent as possible.

The forum is meant for the game and aviation in general with a separate off-topic category for general knowledge. And not for spamming promotions of products just what I have encountered on the fora.)

Mind if we suggest a rule on the forum prohibiting content of blatantly promoting material as well as creating an account just for thay such purpose?

and yeah, the Aegirocasses fighter will be posted alongside the SB and XP-15.

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    from the 'hello your microsoft computer has virus you need to type your credit card number' land

    2.3 years ago
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    31.0k 32

    I kind of enjoy having them around...
    Gives me someone to trash talk

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    29.8k YarisSedan


    You are a mindless crypto bros promoting sketchy cryptocurrency on the sp web and then get banned because this game is not a free place to advertise...

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    11.9k X99STRIKER


    2.3 years ago
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    -Forum is not a marketplace

    2.3 years ago
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    11.9k X99STRIKER

    “Mind if we suggest a rule on the forum prohibiting content of blatantly promoting material”
    Why do you think they get deleted?
    Besides they don’t care what the rules say.

    2.3 years ago