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RA-80 Start-Up Sequence

4,052 fleia262  2.1 years ago

I still have some work to do on this, but the overhead console is functionally complete. It corrects some fundamental misunderstandings I had with the earlier version.

Electrics................This area left a lot to be desired. Now including generator control and proper application of electric BUS ties.
Hydrualics................Aircraft controls are now assigned to specific hydraulic systems, and certain pumps will demonstrate their activity status (active vs stand-by)
Fuel................inclusion of system crossfeed (isolation) valves, but struggling with a proper transfer system...
Pneumatics................Entirely re-worked, including a center, left and right system between a pair of isolation valves. The programming for fuel and pneumatics is very similar.
Engine Start-Up................Each engine has it's own master switch, as a proper real-life aircraft would have haha. I like having the fan actuator and ignitor separate so I'm keeping it like that.

Also the EFID system is getting some much needed changes