@OrderlyHippo nope
@NOLONGERDEADNORALIVE Oh noooo! Did the mod say who they think you stole it from? Then u can ask that person to tell the mod it's original
@OrderlyHippo mmods THOUGHT I STOLE IT. They said remove it or you will be banned 😭
Why did you remove your race car post? The Aston Martin F1. I thought it looked amazing. It was in my favorites
@OrderlyHippo nope
@NOLONGERDEADNORALIVE Oh noooo! Did the mod say who they think you stole it from? Then u can ask that person to tell the mod it's original
@OrderlyHippo mmods THOUGHT I STOLE IT. They said remove it or you will be banned 😭
Why did you remove your race car post? The Aston Martin F1. I thought it looked amazing. It was in my favorites