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Regarding updates after this thanks giving.

8,374 Airheaddivision  2.3 years ago

Should we be expecting any major updates this after this thanksgiving or somewhere around the new year or Christmas?

Or has jundroo just forgot simpleplanes mobile even exists after simple rockets 2 and VR.

My guess is they are making a simpleplanes 2 due the engine of our current simpleplanes, or at least us mobile players, I feel like we have been forgotten.

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    Alright, thanks, I was planning on using the next update to further customize my aircraft and post it with new stuff from the update but seeing how long it might take I might as well just post it once I fix the windows. @Justacanadianguy

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    I don’t think SimplePlanes 2 is to be expected any time soon. Simple planes is already doing good right now, since it is on PC as well. Simple rockets 2 was created to make simple rockets 1 a 3D game. In terms of updates, I don’t think a major update will come soon.

    +1 2.3 years ago