Hello, I wanted to ask everyone who fumbles in the program and modding in general, why, when importing the simpleplanes modtool packages file, unity gives an error in the console and further work is impossible (there is no corresponding window)?I want to make a simple map, but here is such a problem, help someone who can.
error message: this project is using the new input system package but the native platform backends for the new input system are not enabled in the player settings. this means that no input from native devices will come through.
do you want to enable the backends? doing so will restart the editor and will disable the old unityengine.input api's.
did you solve it?
@Enlil You need Unity 2020.3.26
@Gestour I don’t know what to do anymore, I reinstalled the unit for the 2022 version and in the end the same thing. There was also a problem with the new package from the game folder, he does not read it, and the old one is also saved through debugging.
@Enlil when installing Unity, you need to select windows, and macOS build support.
@Gestour Use Save Mod (Windows/MacOS) is absent
@Enlil don't save Mod (Debug).
Use Save Mod (Windows/MacOS)
now this is coming out
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Jundroo.SimplePlanes.ModTools.Editor.ModBuilderWindowPlugin.UpdateXRRendering() (at <f13cd46d8efb4877904cc9c6331a5cb7>:0)
@Gestour The point here is different. So it turns out that after this, the mod that is saved (it says debug mod ), in the game can be activated, but not displayed (if this mod is a map)
That's not a critical error. Ignore it.
@Gestour yes
@Enlil is there a yellow triangle with an exclamation point next to the error?
@Gestour what now is that after create mod
System.Windows.Forms.dll assembly is referenced by user code, but is not supported on StandaloneWindows64 platform. Various failures might follow.
UnityEditor.BuildPipeline:BuildPlayer (string[],string,UnityEditor.BuildTarget,UnityEditor.BuildOptions)
Jundroo.ModTools.Editor.ModBuilderWindow:BuildAndSaveProjectAssemblies (UnityEditor.BuildTarget,bool)
Jundroo.ModTools.Editor.ModBuilderWindow:BuildAssetBundle (UnityEditor.BuildTarget,bool,bool)
Jundroo.ModTools.Editor.ModBuilderWindow:BuildAssetBundles (string,UnityEditor.BuildTarget[],bool)
Jundroo.ModTools.Editor.ModBuilderWindow:CompleteAndSaveMod (Jundroo.ModTools.Core.ModTargetPlatform,bool)
Jundroo.ModTools.Editor.ModBuilderWindow:OnGUI ()
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)
Click "NO"