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Part 1 - The tension of war

3,160 johnconnor14210  2.3 years ago

This story is set in an alternate universe. All events in this story are pure fiction and imagination

it's 1975, vietnam war is over but cold war is still going on. Tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union increased, as did the Krakabloans and the Wright Isles as they continued to wage a proxy war. Krakabloan was supplied by the Soviet Union, the Krakabloan form of government was a socialist republic and the Wright Isles were a republican form of government and was supplied by the United States and its allies. As tensions mounted the United States, Britain and France deployed their armed forces (including air forces and navies) to the Wright Isles. That's why there are several US Navy ships in the waters of the Wright Isles. American spy planes such as the RA-5 Vigilante, RF-8A Crusader, E-2 Hawkeye were stationed on the carriers and the P-3 Orion at Wright airport. The Krakabloan Navy has also carried out several dangerous maneuvers such as bumping their patrol boats into Wright Isles patrol boats and even the United States destroyers. And the tension came to a head when the F-8 Crusader BuNo. 161376 who was on patrol was fired upon by 3 S-125 Neva missiles. 2 missiles missed and one hit the plane and the pilot died because the rest of the fuselage turned sideways at high speed so the pilot was unconscious in the cockpit and died when the plane hit the water and 3 hours later at 10 o'clock the supreme leader of the Krakabloan declared war on the wright isles and its allies. including united states

Curious as to what the next story? you can wait for the continuation in part 2