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Part 3 - The evil almost won

3,160 johnconnor14210  2.3 years ago

The world is on the war, The American naval fleet was attacked by Soviet ships, Europe was like a sea of ??fire, especially in German and Italian territory, the Soviets also began to invade France, and the 2nd Korean War also just happened. the allies in the wright isles also began to be defeated and a massive fleet war between the united states and krakbloan-soviet broke out. Casualties on both sides were very high. Meanwhile in the Soviet Union, more precisely in Kazakhstan near the city of Kurchatov, there was a Soviet secret facility 3826, they were successful in collective 2.0. and they will start a new era that is the era of robots. the robot is planned to be used in battle.

back to the wright isles. the battle became more intense area after territory annexed by the enemy and the loss of life continued to increase, wright airport was attacked by the Krakabloan air force resulting in 20 US air force aircraft being destroyed, 15 wright isles aircraft being destroyed, 9 other aircraft being seriously damaged and beyond repair and 15 other aircraft being slightly damaged or not damaged at all. and 60% of all personnel died. Meanwhile the price of natural resources (including oil) soared, the electricity supply in Germany was cut off and a great famine occurred in Europe, especially in conflict areas.