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About me and bluepink

7,076 VioletBattery  2.3 years ago

Recently, someone just say I and Bluepink has some secret relationship, but I gonna declare my position.

Who is Bluepink?

He is a simpleplanes player who is in China. Bluepink used to be a good player who has high technical level. But Bluepink's position in a quarrel in Chinese simpleplanes community makes everyone hate him. And I met him in July, 2021.At that time he was my friend who tought me many skills. And Because everyone hate him and keep targeting him make him bombed the multiplayer server and completely start to tear. Now because he use me many times so we don't get along much anymore. But now only he can help me with my ship, and after I saw his F-35A I thought he is enough experience to help me with this.

About Me

I used to show my friends about a vidio that shows my manufacture of copper tetraammonium nitrate and bomb a field. Because it hit my balls so they create a meme about "Nobel and his broken ball"(but my balls is OK :/ ). Everyone hate me, they think I steal parts and make bombs, I'm too dangerous, I'm not a good person. My English is poor, I'm just a junior high school student. I don't make bombs anymore, and I decide not to steal parts.