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Make a statement again.

7,076 VioletBattery  2.3 years ago

First I gonna make a statement that I'm not going to steal anything from anyone.I admit that theft is a very bad behavior, and I'm sorry to create a misunderstanding with 167167, that I omitted last time. I have made a new vision that has no other's parts, and I show it to Bluepink & FlyRaker. Because I decided to less vain, so I'm not gonna bragging, so I won't brag with anyone with my post. This time just because I brag with post with 167167's part on it that make a misunderstanding. I'm very sorry about this and I won't brag with other parts on it with out agree from now on. And when I finish 30% of my post I will show you guys my post, to show you guys I don't need to steal, I can make it my self, I'm just busy. And you thinks I have a secret relationship with Bluepink?Come and read This

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    @ZeroWithSlashedO I can't explain very much and they don't trust me so I have to post here to let you know about this and I thought the ones didn't know about things happens before can make a right decision.

    2.3 years ago
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    I am going to be very brutally honest, and for that, I am sorry

    nobody cared
    this is a website where people only cares about planes and internet points, not drama
    this is not twitter, this is

    I know, it's probably like a heavy hit on your mental attitude or something, but if you want to discuss about that, please not here.

    2.3 years ago