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Building progress on hold

36.9k IntoTheDesignatedGridZone  1.9 years ago

So yah, progress on hold again due to possible symptoms of anemia. I'll take an indefinite break and will come back if thing are now fine. see ya.

Update: user is fine but cannot make detailed sliced wings

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    @THEEND8238927373627 yup

    1.9 years ago
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    you still alive?

    1.9 years ago
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    13.6k Talon7192

    @THEEND8238927373627 you kinds of people is why this community is so good

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    im sorry to say this but anemia is a very deadly disease, it can kill fast when left untreated, anemia is when you have less blood than you need, blood has red blood cells that carry oxygen to your cells, less blood cells means less oxygen.

    anemia has 8 deadly types:

    1-aplastic anemia: your bone marrow gets damaged, bone marrow helps produce blood and without it you cant produce blood properly. can be treated with bone marrow transplant

    2-paroxysmal noctural hemoglobinuira: its a rare type of anemia, its a genetic disease and causes bone marrow and blood cells to get damaged and creates random blood clots. avarage survival time is 10 years.

    3-myelodysplastic syndromes: this is a type of blood cancer that damaged bone marrow and bone marrow generates damaged blood cells and damaged immunity system. you cant survive more than 12 years

    4-hemolytic amenia: this is a genetic disease where your body loses blood faster than making blood, it can be chronic sometimes. its one of the least deadly anemias only when treated early

    5-sickle cell disease: its a disease where some blood cells deform and look like a sickle, its very sticky and causes blood clots. it has some cures so you still can live if treated early

    6-severa thalassemia: its a disease where your body doesnt produce enough hemoglobin which is very important for blood cells, without them your blood cells doesnt survive long enough

    7-malarial anemia: you probably dont have this type of anemia, its caused by another severe diseas enamed malaria caused by mosquito bites, it multiplies blood cells rapidly and explodes them in a few days.

    8-fanconi anemia: you probably dont have this too, some genetic diseases can damage your bone marrow and cause it to develop less blood cells.

    or if you experienced severe bleeding before its short term anemia which is not deadly if treated quickly.

    all types of anemia is not dangerus when treated early

    1.9 years ago