The time has come. You must make a car, truck, boat or even plane to survive a terrible time. You've been assigned to make a vehicle that can get a group of people anywhere, where ever, ni matter what.
All submissions due on March 1st!
You may alter your vehicle now if you need/want.
Present a link below with your vehicle.
Country origin of vehicle does not matter.
Let the best be proven!
[UPDATE] You are now permitted to use weaponry at your disposal. I wish for the best!
Still due March 1st
@RailfanEthan Thanks
Looks great, @Noman0rumeral! It's a bit slow, but it looks amazing!
Well here it is
Sure, @Noman0rumeral
Can i make transport resources instead of people
Thanks I've already got I half finished truck I was making I'll just make it post apocalyptic I've got a cool idea for it @RailfanEthan
Go for it, @Cedy117! I feel like you would be an amazing competitor!
Awesome this sounds fun I think I'll try
I will be posting a vehicle for inspiration soon
It can be either, or a mix of both @Mrwhiskers85
So, does this mean like peaceful self sustaining rovers traversing the earth in search of food and water, or full on Mad Max?
Challenge. Accepted