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why mobile gamers can't install mods on phone

475 Idontknow212  2.3 years ago

I'm asking because there are simple mods that could be downloaded to the phone, I'm sure all mobile players will agree with me

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    No gamers

    2.2 years ago
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    I meant players

    2.2 years ago
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    36.4k Icey21

    @TheCommentaryGuy thats what "you" means
    I also said "many", not "all".

    2.2 years ago
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    @IceCraftGaming no
    I've never considered myself and yall mobile users "Gamers"

    2.2 years ago
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    36.4k Icey21

    @TheCommentaryGuy well "you*"
    Many of us are gamers

    2.2 years ago
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    We dont call people on mobile "Gamers"

    2.2 years ago
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    31.1k 32

    this is taken directly from the Steam beta release notes.


    • First, let's get this out of the way. Unfortunately, mod support has been removed from the Android version for technical reasons. Google now requires 64-bit support. Unfortunately, mod support in SimplePlanes is dependent on Unity's version of Mono, which is limited to 32-bit.
      To be clear, this isn't Google's fault and it isn't Unity's fault. It's really not anyone's fault, it's just that the technologies we are using have shifted in an unfortunate way.
      To compensate for this, we've bundled two of the most popular mods into the game: FineTuner and Overload. Also, Nicky has integrated his Advanced Targeting and Designer Suite mods into the game.
    +2 2.2 years ago
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    @HuskyDynamics01 o ok i don't know thanks

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    Because Google (Android) and Apple (iOS) removed modding support from their platforms several years ago due to... legal concerns? Honestly I don't know why. Short version is, the decision was made by Google/Apple, not Jundroo, and they can't do anything to bring it back.

    +2 2.3 years ago