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Weird Deja Vu of the Rotator XML

3,066 Zue5s  2.2 years ago

Hi guys, so i have this weird thing of the Rotator, and i remember there is an XML Property which is something like "nearest rotation" which is mostly used in 360° turrets to stop it from rotating the other way after a certain rotation limit.

What i meant is that after the input goes from 179 to -179 it will rotate in the closest way (clockwise / counter-clockwise) so that it doesn't rotate weirdly

If none of you still understands, think of an Auto turret in the game with a target orbiting the Turret let's say clockwise , and because it is an Auto turret it aims automatically.
Now the thing is, after a certain limit, the turret rotates the other way around (counter-clockwise) and continue to aim at the target.

Okay back on topic here, I'm asking one of the Simpleplanes Devs for a Rotator XML property (not Funky Trees) that is something like nearestRotation <-(that is not it) so that i can apply it on my autoturret i am building.

More Info:
the thing i am asking belongs to the JointRotator Property Tab.
The value is a Boolean (true/false).
The "concept" is similar to lerpangle.