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FT tech idea: Simulated bomb/missile camera for manual remote guidance

26.5k Kendog84  2.2 years ago

I was fiddling with my manually controllable "TV guided" bomb, and thought it would be very cool if you can control the bomb from inside the cockpit, using a simulated camera feed.

It would look like this

This is what it would be simulating

(I drew fake target to (hopefully) better demonstrate the idea)

You will control the bomb normally with pitch/roll or some other control scheme. Flying bomb/manually flyable missile itself are pretty easy to build.

Looking at all the custom FT radar and such, I think it's possible, but I don't have the necessary math skill, so just hoping that someone who can will find this interesting enough, and give it a try.

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    @Kendog84 Look at some posts from @Ku. he definetely has the knowledge that youre looking for. personally i think if you two were to make a collab on a project it would get really interesting.

    8 months ago
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    @rexzion oh dang lol me smol brain

    2.0 years ago
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    44.6k rexzion

    @MuffinEngineer i cant just explain it in a comment or something but it's essentially alot of trigonometry

    2.0 years ago
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    @rexzion wait can you please explain how this would work and maybe provide FT because im making a camera guided missile kinda like how you can make camera guided guns with variables

    2.0 years ago
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    If TGTPOS_L was before it was tuned, it could have been a simple replacement as you mentioned. (Since the early ones obtained relative coordinates in the world coordinate system and converted them to the local coordinate system with a rotation matrix.)

    2.1 years ago
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    The part of TGTPOS that acquires relative coordinates and the part that converts to the local coordinate system are fused together by tuning to reduce load and cannot be separated.
    The coordinates of the cockpit and missiles are then in the world coordinate system.
    To add them to TGTPOS, they must be converted to local coordinate system values.
    The rotation matrices used to transform the coordinate system are relatively loaded, so it is not a good idea to use them in two places: the TGTPOS and the cockpit & missile coordinates.
    Therefore, instead of using TGTPOS_L, we first obtain the target coordinates in the world coordinate system, change them to the missile coordinates as the origin, and finally use a rotation matrix to align them with the missile coordinate system.

    2.1 years ago
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    6,568 11qazxc

    @PlanariaLab add cockpit coords and subtract missile coords before transformation? Still looks like a work for search-and-replace tool tbh.

    +1 2.1 years ago
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    You are correct about how to formulate the equation.
    However, the 1PartsHUD variable is optimized for the main cockpit, so if you want to use the coordinates of the missile as a reference, as in this case, it is faster to write a new one from scratch...
    If I were to actually create one, it would look something like this.

    +3 2.1 years ago
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    44.6k rexzion

    @Kendog84 the ft guided bomb work i just havent worked on it in a while!!! also it does work on the ice base missile sites (they stupide)

    +2 2.1 years ago
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    26.5k Kendog84


    using another camera view and...

    That would still be better than just putting a camera on a bomb with wings, and flying it like a plane (which is what I've done with my "TV" bomb).
    I should see what I can do with the 1-part-HUD variables.
    How's the GPS bomb coming along btw?
    I've figured the idea is basically the same as the autopilot on PQ-14, but I still haven't tried to make a bomb/missile using that tech yet. Something like a cruise missile that destroys ice base missiles might be fun to make though

    +1 2.1 years ago
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    26.5k Kendog84

    Thanks, counter works too. As long as there's some variation in the detonation time.

    +1 2.1 years ago
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    44.6k rexzion

    it possible yeah but i wouldnt do em like this
    i do want to eventually make "tv" and "laser" guided weapons though im not actually sure how i would implement them yet.
    this would be very limited for tv guided weapons because you wouldnt be able to actually slew the designator.
    currently the most "realistic" form is using another camera view and slewing a designator to aim where the camera points. it would work well but using it requires you to select another camera instead of controlling it in the cockpit.
    @develrprs plese add tv part to game!!!!

    +3 2.1 years ago
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    6,568 11qazxc

    Perhaps repeat(floor(sum(1)*10),10) will work fine. But to be honest it's not really random, it's just counter.

    +2 2.1 years ago
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    26.5k Kendog84

    That's great to know, thanks. Doubt I can realize it, but I'll tinker with these variables.

    By the way, could you, if possible, modify your RNG custom variable from the gift truck so it returns one of 10 consecutive numbers, like 1,2,3,4,...10, or 0.1,0.2,0.3,...0.9,1? (It seems to return 0,0.25,0.5, or 0.75 as it is now)

    Or do I need a whole new FT for this?
    I'm working on this flak site (deleted the link as people were randomly stumbling upon it & FT was broken) using winterro's Langley guns and bot activation tech (missile), but want to add some randomness to the fuse so it can explodes either in front of, or behind the target.

    The thing I linked may not work as intended btw, I messed up guns' activationGroup with my latest modification. I'll make another upload for the release version either way.

    +1 2.1 years ago
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    6,568 11qazxc

    Yes, it is possible. TGTPos_Local_x/y variables from 1part hud divided by TGTPos_Local_z but with aircraft's position and rotation replaced with bomb's position and rotation.

    +2 2.1 years ago
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    26.5k Kendog84

    @rexzion @11qazxc
    Do you guys think this is possible?

    +1 2.1 years ago
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    26.5k Kendog84

    FTs to get target data
    Useful FT codes by bjac0 (link)

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    26.5k Kendog84

    One major drawback of this system is that you can't (easily) guide the bomb to a non-lockable plane, object, etc. (which is the main point of using manually controlled munitions in the game) so maybe a feature that lets you manually enter target coordinates might be neat, too.

    +2 2.2 years ago