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Wright Airport Map with Detailed Coordinates (for autopilot coding and stuff. Longitude/latitude, XYZ coords, aerial recon photo)

26.5k Kendog84  2.2 years ago


-Recorded on iPhone version 1.12.128.
-Don't expect 100% precision. I drove around the place recording coords in a WIP armored car with not-so-great handling. (Screenshot below)
-Also, I don't plan on doing this for other islands, so don't ask me to make another (I'll block ya!). If you want one, just do it yourself--but don't forget to search for one before that!



Without coords

Darker letters for misc coords

I started this with only the building coords in mind (for bombing flight plan), but figured it would be more useful for people if it had coords for apron centerline and stuff, so I went around the airport taking notes.

My cartography(?) method wasn't the most precise, but I figured it was good enough (for me anyway). Building coords listed are roughly the center point of them (for terminal building, it's the center of the part elongated in North-South).

I used this thing (link) to take the pic, and put some filter on with an image editor.

For a map/pic of the entire island (& others, without coords), check out this Comprehensive Game Map by SunnySkies.

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    26.5k Kendog84

    Also, check out this self-driving truck by 11qazxc (link), their latest attempt at waypoint system).
    It drives around the Wright airport based on pre-determined path/destination, and gets "gift" from hangers, loading area, etc.
    It's an evolution of PQ-14 autopilot target plane by rexzion (which was a system that flew to target coords and circled over the coords), and has multiple "waypoints" which is like AI pathing in conventional games. I'm working on a bomber that uses this technology, to let people, including mobile players, create instant custom mission that doesn't rely on mods.
    You can get more ideas about my concept on this from my previous 'autopilot bomber' forum post, but basically, this lets you create escort/interception (bomber or not), suppression of enemy air-defense (to protect bombers), and some other missions in the free loam mode by spawning the appropriate "waypoint" planes.
    And and and, if you apply this tech to ships (or aircrafts), you can now have a fleet of ships that sails on a set path (maybe with some RNG aspect) like the Beast or the Tiny in the game. And many more! (Read this in mad scientist voice) Fuuuhahahahahaaa! Hououin....

    I think this tech really, really widens the range of things you can do in the game, and I think that benefits everybody, so I'm really hoping that more people realizes the potential of it (especially those who can do FT), and come up more, cool and interesting applications for it.
    Just check out the truck, and spawn like 5 or 10 in Wright Airport. It's limited by the current limitations in the game, but it's freaking cool already.

    Pinned 2.2 years ago
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    26.5k Kendog84

    Ok, I've sorta changed my mind after getting a lot of interest/positive feedback in this.
    I'll prooobably, proooooobably, do something similar with other islands available on iOS version (which is the version I have; off topic, if there's a super rich, uh, I dunno, oil company president or something among you guys, feel free to send me a nice gaming computer. And pizza roll. Yeah, don't forget pizza rolls. Plus your credit card information and maybe some embarrassing photos of yourself that I totally will not use to blackmail you into buying me more stuff. Mmhm.).......

    What was I talking about?

    Ah, right. Maps. So I think I might possibly make similar map/aerial recon photo with coords on it, for other islands as well (please, plz Jundroo, GIVE US THE SAND ISLAND!!!111... Whew.).
    Can't do it right away, but when I do, I'll start with Yeager, and I'm thinking about charting the whole offroad section of the valley, plus two airfields. I don't want to waste my time making something that already exists, though (not talking about builds), so if anyone's planning to do the same, or is doing it (or have done it), let me know.

    Pinned 2.2 years ago
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    26.5k Kendog84

    Sure was a big brain moment

    2.2 years ago
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    26.5k Kendog84

    Not sure whatcha talking about, but thanks lol

    2.2 years ago
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    26.5k Kendog84

    Glad it's useful. Thank you!

    2.2 years ago
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    26.5k Kendog84


    2.2 years ago
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    4 out of 4, brain is not brick

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    Thats actually kinda cool.

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    This is actually very useful. Thank you good sir.

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    26.5k Kendog84

    Me? I'm on discord, you can find me in SPBC (same username)

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    26.5k Kendog84

    AI plane with auto land/takeoff capability? That sounds great.
    Also... holy crap. I've been hoping to see an actual coords based guided weapon.

    +2 2.2 years ago
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    44.6k rexzion

    this will probably be used soon because im planning to make ai aircraft start doing landings/takeoffs on their own

    also i just made an ft guided bomb
    (tracks targets by getting their coordinates or you could just punch in coords manually)

    2.2 years ago
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    26.5k Kendog84

    Let me know if you find any major mistake!

    Also, sorry for the long & messy title, it's for ease of search

    2.2 years ago