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Method of transferring crafts and subassemblies from one device to another

829 ivansheppard853gmail  2.2 years ago

Let’s say you got a new computer or smartphone and you download SP on it. How are u supposed to transfer all of your crafts and subassemblies over to the new device without uploading each craft/subassembly one by one to the site and then downloading and saving them to the new device? There should be a way of transferring all the crafts and subassemblies to a new device. I’m thinking something that works like iCloud where you sign in with your account on SP on any device and it automatically syncs the crafts/subassys across all your devices with your account.

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    What happens if your computer, tablet or phone becomes damaged or disabled and you have crafts and/or subassemblies saved on it? This is why there should be an iCloud-like syncing system where your crafts and subassemblies are automatically synced and backed up safely to your account so even if u lose them to a device failure or factory reset, they’ll still be on your account backup and sync. Simply sign in to SP with your account on a new device and they’ll automatically download.

    2.2 years ago
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    On apple at least all your data including your crafts and subassemblies are transferred over to your new iPhone or Mac.

    2.2 years ago
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    50.6k PlaneFlightX

    @ivansheppard853gmail nope, sorry.

    2.2 years ago
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    @IAlsoBuildPlane @PlaneFlightX What about mobile users? Could subassemblies and crafts be synced over iCloud, one drive or Google drive?

    2.2 years ago
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    50.6k PlaneFlightX

    There is this thing called Steam Cloud. What you're describing has existed for years.

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    I know that on a computer, transferring the craft/subassembly files via USB or wireless to a new computer is possible, but it would be much faster and more convenient if you could just sign in with your account on the new device and let the syncing do the work.

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    And you may be wondering about mods and stuff. Maybe only sync crafts without mods until mod support for mobile gets a reboot? Then start working on syncing mods?

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    That way, you simply need to sign in with ur SP account on the new device and your crafts and subassemblies should automatically download.

    +1 2.2 years ago