I dont know how to adjust the plane's fbw because it wobble uncontrollably. Does anyone know what number to edit on the code?
Example for the roll:
clamp01(Throttle > 0)(clamp(Pitch/1.5 - ( (PitchRate/(35+(80abs(Pitch)))) + ( clamp01(1-Activate1)clamp(AngleOfAttack/30,-1,1) ) )+((( RollRate/(80+(400abs(Roll))-(abs(Yaw)*60)) ) + Roll)),-1,1))+(Trim/8)-0.08
i dunno what value i will change to suit to my plane ( sorry about my grammar).
@GuyFolk is the owner of this funky tree code.
you're welcome :)
@ZeroWithSlashedO TYSM I change the 80 on the third section of the code and it stop wobbling 😯.
so essentially what the code is trying to do is:
it tries to reduce or increase the input of
, which the sensitivity adjusts with the absolute value ofPitch
(always maintains a positive value)it also tries to move by the output of
which can be deactivated via AG1it also tries to move via
, stabilized byRollRate
which the sensitivity is determined by the absolute value ofRoll
and lastly, it also moves by trim
TL;DR, it's a Pitch damper (first section of code) an AoA Limiter (second section of code), and a Roll damper (third section of code) at the same time
this is me trying to understand how the code works
as for your question, try increasing the 35 on the first section of code or the 30 on the second section of code if it's wobbling up and down, and try changing the 80 on the third section of the code if it's wobbling from side to side
if any of those don't work, just play around with it :)