I’m trying to make a WWII bail out procedure, but that involves the canopy opening. I also want a normal “canopy” activation group that will open the canopy without launching you out.
Is there any way to do this with XML. I’ve tried all obvious one like 1+7 and 1/7 or 1 - 7.
How to make one machine have multiple activation group?
312 DeejeX
2.1 years ago
@DeejeX U Should Use It As Input Not As Activation Group.
@MrCOPTY Doesn’t Work. Thanks for trying!
Use This As Input:
Activate1 & Activate7
@PlaneFlightX @HuskyDynamics01 It doesn’t work. Thanks for trying though! I will think of something…
@HuskyDynamics01 @DeejeX I'm not entirely sure if this works, but put the following in the activationGroup type: Activate1 & Activate7
@DeejeX Unfortunately, I don't think this can be done with the default canopy part (since just changing
will not work). I'm afraid you're out of luck here, unless you're able to put it on a rotator or something that could then be activated (though then that would move the windscreen as well I suppose...)@HuskyDynamics01 Ummmmmmm I mean it is on the actual canopy part and uses “activationGroup” rather than “input.” If the group was seven, it would say “activationGroup” | “7” rather than “input” | “Activate7”.
What shall I do? Shall I change the “activationGroup” to “input”?
You'll want something like Activate1 & Activate7, which will be true if BOTH AG1 and AG7 are enabled.