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What A Year Its Been | Work Is In Progress Pt. 2

32.6k Cerdd  2.2 years ago

Wow, 2022 came and went hasnt it-
Looking back on my Goals for SP, i did not follow it at ALL- xD
But id rather focus on my actual life starting in 2023 compared to SP. I need to focus on getting a job and other personal things

But other than that, ive kept working on the Vrolian Air Dominance Fighters, Which is the main reason im posting this, so ill cut the crap and show ya the progress so far

X-4A Reisu (Previously known as X-4 Ghost Wrath)

X-5A Shadow (Previously known as X-5 Shadow Fury)

X-6A Darter

That is all for aircraft update's for now, Didnt really expect it to take as long as it did to make these 3 planes but, the X-5 and X-6 gave me some trouble.

Once again, dont ask me to ping you when any of these are uploaded, I will NOT remember to

I cannot wait to see what 2023 has in store for us, and for SP. Maybe an SP2 announcement? Andrew I'm lookin at youuuu, its gonna happen right? XD
Anyway, see you all in 2023! Unless I get trapped in 2022 then, it was nice knowing you all- xD