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All simple plane "glitches" (that I have encountered):

11.7k letsgofast11  2.1 years ago

For fun I decided to complie all glitches and problems I have encountered feel free to let me know of all the ones I missed in the comments, because I probably missed a lot. These glitches are mostly for older parts as I have not been able to play with the newer weapons and cockpit parts as much.
• old propeller engines can be placed inside one another and vibrate when running because of this
• rotating an object attaches it if there is a surface it can attach to even if the game makes it red saying it cannot be attached there
• if you attach an object to a fuselage or other similar resizable block, then shrink it will stay attached despite the fact that it isn't touching
• some rockets can be caged and used for propulsion
• control surfaces can be placed inside one another
• you cannot combine control surface inputs to make true elevons, a V tail, etc.
• you cannot assign a control surface to VTOL for flaps without using rotators
• rotators move significantly faster than control surfaces, meaning if used in conjunction with control surfaces, un slowed can look weird in slow-motion
• water skis and hollow shapes do not work as they should on water
• you can fairly easily make infinite rotators with overload mod, for infinite fuel this can also be done with pistons and rotators making an orthopter
• you can take guns and weapons into challenges to shot down opponents fairly easily
• you can push aircraft carriers and possibly fly them? (flying part untested)
• if you place a wing vertically then use dihedral to stretch it horizontally, sometimes the physics get confessed and the control surface only pushes the plane vertically
• old engines and other blocks that cannot be directly gotten from the parts library from previous updates can still be used if you load in old planes with them, then save the to subparts
• you can unmark a plane as a successor to a previous plane by removing the cockpit and saving the whole plane as a subpart, and attaching it to a new model
• old propeller engines and all jet engines can work when buried inside of a resizable fuselage
• winds and control surfaces work when buried inside of fuselages
• old style flotation blocks cause a huge amount of lag on mobile, you can get around this, by using newer fuselage blocks, or by using multiple cockpits since they are buoyant you can leave VTOL engines on the ground using detachers and put VTOL nozzles on planes to make a plane fly with no engines on board
• if you retract gear then extend it on the ground, its hitbox will pop into existence making your plane jump
• physics can change going from fast forward to normal speed to slow-motion
• nonadjustable rates / PID values on autopilot
• undoing shifts model away from buildplate
Thats all I have for now

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    1.6 years ago
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    96.9k ReinMcDeer

    Here's one: You can open the variables tab even after already opening it by clicking the button again.
    6 and 7 are false though, as HuskyDynamics01 said

    2.1 years ago
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    4,474 Red920

    @letsgofast11 @HuskyDynamics01 few more glitches i found
    23. Adding connection causes lag on mobile than auto recconecting (i think).
    24. Typing or opening your keyboard while editing (like XML) with a big aircraft ( even it has low part count) in the designer also causes lag and delay on mobile that lasts up to 3-6 seconds ( sometimes 10 )depending how big the aircraft is.
    25. Missiles from your opponent on dogfights can destroy your plane even it
    doesnt contact any parts sometimes (no proximity detonation added in the missile's xml). It can be observed sometimes when you add impact camera on your opponent's missile.

    2.1 years ago
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    11.7k letsgofast11

    @HuskyDynamics01 for 15 I meant just in game not in the actual tournaments

    2.1 years ago
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    11.7k letsgofast11

    @HuskyDynamics01 yea, I guess a lot of these are more oddities than glitches to be honest

    2.1 years ago
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    1. Old propeller engines do quite a few funny things actually
    2. Not really a glitch, if anything the "can't attach here" system is the problem
    3. Not a glitch. All you change when adjusting the scale value is the size of the part model, nothing else is affected (with a few exceptions for physics-heavy parts like wheels).
    4. Again, this isn't really a glitch. If you put a rocket in a suitably reinforced box and fire it, the box will probably move if the weapon doesn't detonate.
    5. Not necessarily a glitch since it doesn't really break anything, but it does look weird.
    6. You actually can, by putting a custom value in the input section for the part (for an elevon, you'd need to enter Pitch + Roll)
    7. See #6.
    8. Rotator speed is adjustable (you can put custom speed values in Overload for finer control)
    9. That's mainly because hydrodynamics aren't really much of a thing in-game. Not a glitch, just something that's not actually coded.
    10. This isn't really a glitch either. You can also make infinite-for-all-intents-and-purposes fuel by just setting the numbers really high for the regular fuel tank in Overload, and then making it weigh nothing.
    11. Not a glitch, since weapons are not prohibited in challenges. However, shooting down your air race opponent is not very good sportsmanship.
    12. Also not a glitch. The carriers (and other ships) have mass like any other object, and if you're strong enough (usually through defiance of the laws of physics), you can move them.
    13. As far as the physics engine is concerned, the wing is placed vertically. Aerodynamics simulation is somewhat simplified in the game, hence the name.
    14. Not a glitch. You can also get them by changing the part ID in Overload if you really want to. The old parts (original engines, Passenger, the nose cone from the first Twin Prop, etc.) were never removed from the game (since that would break planes that used them), they were just taken off the parts list in the menu.
    15. Not a glitch, but that's actually against the site rules and you can get banned for it, so don't do that.
    16. Not really a glitch, again just due to the simplified nature of the game. Propellers usually only work properly if you turn collisions off for them, which immediately is unrealistic anyway.
    17. See #16.

    2.1 years ago
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    18. Do they really? I played on mobile for fiveish years and never noticed that. Huh.
    19. It isn't the hitbox for the gear, it's actually the gear's suspension being repressurized (albeit rapidly).
    20. The physics calculations are more-or-less tied to the framerate of the game (which changes in fast-forward and slow motion), rather than the simulation speed itself. Not necessarily a glitch per se (more of an interesting programming decision), but it can cause in some odd situations.
    21. Not a glitch since the autopilot is literally just a "fly straight and level" rather than an actual working autopilot system.
    22. This is an actual glitch.

    2.1 years ago