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Using a switch to activate multiple AG

847 ZeroRaven87  2.1 years ago

So my question is, is it possible to have a switch activate multiple AG at one time?
For example if I have an aircraft with A2A and A2G weapons, I would bind A2A activation to AG1 and A2G to AG2. But what if I wanted a Master Arm switch to toggle both AG1 and 2 at the same time as well, while keeping the ability to toggle them individually. Is something like this possible?

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    @ZeroWithSlashedO so even though we can have multiple input formats for things like rotators (pitch + trim as an example), we can’t do that with switch’s. Bummer.

    Though a thought has occurred to me. Could we make the activation of AG 1 and 2 dependent on the state of another button via funky tree?
    Example when pressing AG1, AG8=1, AG1=1 else AG1=0?

    2.1 years ago
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    switches and buttons only convey the maximum value of 0 and 1, not -1, 0, and 1
    as much as I want this to be true, it's not

    +1 2.1 years ago