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Site request - Scheduled Post/Auto publishing feature (for unintended inactivity)

26.5k Kendog84  2.1 years ago

Hi devs and mods (and other fellow players),
I want to request a new feature for the site, where you can make your builds go public on a scheduled date, and/or a option that makes a player's builds become public after a certain duration of inactivity (no posts).
I have a lot of unfinished builds that I don't want to make public yet, but it would be a shame if, somehow, I become unable to log-in or play the game anymore, and these stay unlisted forever. To prevent that, I want there to be a sort of, safety feature where you can opt-in to make certain posts go public if you don't do anything on the site for a while (user should be able to decide the duration).
You never know what happens tomorrow, and it would suck if some cool ideas never see the light of the day.

I think stuff published via the auto publishing feature don't have to show up in the "new aircraft" section of the site, and maybe not even on the search, to prevent unnecessary cluttering of the site. But however it's implemented, I think it's probably better than not having anything of this sort, so I really strongly suggest/request that this type of feature implemented. Thank you.

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    5,303 McChezborger

    I might take a break after I finish all my aircraft that are worth finishing, and this would be pretty useful

    +1 2.0 years ago
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    13.9k Guh

    That would be pretty helpful like if on my old account I had some planes I wanna continue but they are unlisted or if I forgor my password

    +1 2.1 years ago
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    28.6k Dragoranos

    ∞ points plat go 2 years w/ no posts and nothing happens to them

    +1 2.1 years ago
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    31.0k 32


    +1 2.1 years ago