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Some help please.

7,106 Yeahsure  1.7 years ago

I know I’ve been asking for help a lot and I’m sorry but is there a way you can make a part glow when you hold pitch or throttle for longer than 5 secs?
If you’re wondering why it’s because I’m trying to replicate an exhaust glowing red hot on my engine builds idk I think it would be a cool feature. Thanks AustralianBuilder676

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    7,106 Yeahsure

    @Bellcat Sorry just making sure you can’t make a fuselage glow or change colour with funky trees?

    1.7 years ago
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    7,106 Yeahsure

    @Bellcat Ok thanks .

    1.7 years ago
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    7,327 Bellcat

    No, you cannot. However, with funky trees, text and and lamp parts can be colored differently to glow at certain conditions. It just takes a good amount of coding.

    1.7 years ago