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46.3k OPaiTaOn  2.1 years ago

as we all know mods don't work on android (including the green screen mod) so i had the idea to make my own green screen.
Follow the tutorial below
First: take a hollow fuselage

Second: paint it in a color that is not present in your project, then set the emission to maximum

Third: disable all collisions (including in the cockpit) and increase the fuselage scale to 15,15,15

*Then add a new section and then change the part type to (Fuselage-Body-1)

Fifth: connect the new section to the previous fuselage then decrease the length of the new section to (0.1)

Sixth: rename as new aircraft and save it

Seventh: enter your world and spawn your green screen (I recommend Wright Airport)

It will look like this, put your graphics to maximum and take the perfect screenshot (important: DO NOT enable shadows)