A platinum user has been hacked by “the site that starts with a V”. This is actually a really huge issue, and it means basically no account is safe. To try and avoid it, do not click on any links, do not comment on any of the posts, and do not do anything that could possibly get the attention of the bots.
I recommend changing your SimplePlanes account password to something new, and never use that new password on any other site. If you even suspect that any of your passwords may be comprised, change it immediately, and write it down on a sticky note or something so you remember the new one. Also i would recommend changing the new password every few days until the problem is gone, just for added security
Understood, i will send a small air to ground missile to your house if your account is compromised, just incase they are hiding in your walls and watching you put in the password. @DatRoadTrainGuy19
@Noname918181 ah good to know! :D (if you see me post things that has a verifpro link on it... You already know its over for me...)
@DatRoadTrainGuy19 yeah no you're probably not, I'm also a young teenager with no bank account
@Noname918181 since im a young teenager that doesnt have a bank account (yet) im somewhat safe i guess... (I hope...)
@Dathcha nah, it includes both letters and numbers
It's also not part of my username but ehejriririrkro
Was it 918181? @Noname918181
@Dathcha password had no special characters aside from numbers but was kinda long
Was it a good password? Or just like a word and then a number or two? @Noname918181
Thanks for notifying, I have changed my password now
Before you ask no, I did not click on any suspicious links earlier, I was preparing to go to school. They probably guessed the password using some sort of algorithm
@Dathcha fair.
I dont think language is the main concern here lol @G2
Holy shit.
Apologies for the language, this situation is genuinely scary and no one’s safe.
Well it at least means you are not a 7 year old. I think most of the people who click the link are children who do not really understand the internet @BotFinder2023
@ColonelCanada Andrew@jundroo.com or this link
Does Jundroo have an email?
You know what, I'll change my password every day until it ends
All of them using letters from every alphabet in the world, with over 1000 characters
@DvalinAirlines i reported it
There was another one
They are doing real big things
They attacked assettocorsa.net
I’m next y’all.
My password is nevergonnag1veyouup
(In all seriousness, I think Jundroo should temporarily hire a cybersecurity team to look into this madness.)
I do not believe so. It seems that your account is only comprisable if you click a link, however i do not believe a platinum player would be dumb enough to do so, so therefore just try and keep all your accounts as secure as possible until the bots either go away or a fix is in place @Aviator01
Is this the end of the SimplePlanes website as we know it?
That is pretty solid advice for online security in general @PlaneFlightX
I think the reason these accounts are being hacked is reusing the same password across different sites. If one less secure site suffers a data breach, then that username and password can be tried on other sites, and if it works, then the account on that site is compromised.
On the topic of "commenting on the Veri**pro posts can get you hacked", no. Unless the hackers somehow compromise the SimplePlanes website itself (even then hacking users would be unlikely), you cannot get hacked if you don't provide any personal information or download malware.
My recommendations, at least for now, are pretty simple: change all your passwords to strong random character passwords (unique to each site), and don't click any suspicious link.