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suggestion 6392

18.3k ColonelCanada  2.1 years ago

thats what the post counter said anyway

Suggestions that will probably be ignored

1) The community has been asking for as long as I can remember for this.
Tracks in game.
Not only would mobile users be happy, but it would make the PC users happy too.

2) As a mobile player, we want Maywar.
Mobile isn't as bad as you think.
My device can handle 4000 parts. Its just a regular Samsung S21.
I think I could handle another island.

3) Pilot
Like in SR2, we could have a controllable pilot model.

4) Maybe a new rank on the website?
There should be something in between Gold and Platinum. 5-25k is a lot, maybe starting at 15k could be Lapis.

5) Sound redo.
The current sounds are pretty outdated.
For guns and cannons, we should be able to choose a sound for it.
There could be an option in the part settings.
For cannons, there could be the default, machine gun or howitzer.
The wing gun could have different machine gun sounds.
The sound options could be for the engine too.
Race car, truck or tank.

6) Cities?
I mentioned this idea on a discord server.
Each island should have a city.
Wright could have one in that big open area in the mountains.
Krakabloa could have one on the big green island.
Snowstone could have one in the big empty tundra.
Maywar already has a town, maybe it could have the town redone.

These are just ideas.
Let me know if you agree with any.

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    29.8k YarisSedan

    Another good suggestion for sp! Idk if they will ever add maywar and tank treads to mobile...

    +1 2.1 years ago
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    4,847 OpenHere

    Perhaps a cross section editor..idk if it has been mentioned

    +1 2.1 years ago