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Sandbox "build and fly" question

48.9k Baldovino  9.1 years ago

Is it possible to activate gear (up & down) and rotors, to visualize drag points in various configurations?

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    48.9k Baldovino

    @XVIindustries Pressing B you can extract brakes in editor but... drag points does not change, and it is strange. Moving wings in variable geometry planes probably must change COL and COM (and change drag points, too), but "how"? I feel the need of more information in editor... :D

    9.1 years ago
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    @Baldovino the drag points go up as the brake moves, and down when you retract carriage, if you move wings during flight the characteristics change and the same with thrust vectoring, that wouldn't work u bless the centre of thrust moved right?

    9.1 years ago
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    48.9k Baldovino

    @XVIindustries i'm pretty sure of this, but the center of mass, thrust and lift, and the drag points can't be controlled, if they 'll be abilited in editor, we will can.

    9.1 years ago
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    I believe that using rotators to move things does induce drag as I've experimented with large drag brakes, and they slow the plane down, so moving things with rotators does change the drag model @Baldovino

    9.1 years ago
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    2,564 WhenGoatsFly

    That's a good point. There is no mathematical way I have seen to figure that out. 🛩

    9.1 years ago
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    48.9k Baldovino

    @WhenGoatsFly I supposed it (used correctly, obvious) but I.E. this has variable geometry, and will be beautifull to know how it influence drag points.

    9.1 years ago
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    2,564 WhenGoatsFly

    No... But the retracts have no drag when they are up (used correctly) 🛩

    9.1 years ago
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    48.9k Baldovino


    9.1 years ago
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    48.9k Baldovino

    If is not possible, it will be a great feature to ad in a next relase. Upvote to keep the topic hot.

    9.1 years ago